Be The Next Millionaire With These Incredible Little Known Secret Systems, Plans & Loopholes



Reap Millions of Dollars from Financial Institutions,
Banks, Large Corporations and Businesses
    I will send you two free gifts. I will also send you a very valuable $195 four volume set of the greatest insider information, systems and loopholes used by the very wealthy. I will give you the FREE $69.95 manual of 50 of the very best secrets, systems and plans, described on later on as a bonus to you. I will give you a FREE $29.95 book of lucrative home businesses as a bonus to you. I will give you everything you need to earn thousands of dollars the day you get my package in the mail.
    I am offering you the greatest secrets ever to be recorded. I am offering you the best insider plans and programs used by many people to become very rich. You will find out how very smart insiders have used these fabulous programs to earn huge amounts of money. These programs can take you from dirt poor to filthy rich in just a few short months. These are the programs you've heard about that yo knew were making many people millions of dollars. I have put together a large collection of extremely valuable secrets, loopholes, plans and insider systems that you can have for pennies.
    I have paid $500 for one of these insider secrets. I have paid $100 for many of these systems. These are just a few of the same systems that cost me over $5,000 to buy. These four volumes are worth much more than $5,000 and you can have them for pennies. I have put all of these insider secrets in these fabulous four volumes and you are getting all of these extremely valuable loopholes and systems for next to nothing. You must have these very valuable four volumes.
    These plans, loopholes and insider information are very valuable. Some people are making millions of dollars from this insider information and systems and loopholes but very few people know about them. They are secret, insider loopholes and systems used by the very wealthy. Just look at how many people are getting very rich getting involved in the right businesses. There are some opportunities that have such a high demand that they make a lot of money for the first person that finds out about them. There are millions of dollars waiting for the right person. Just look at how many financial institutions, banks and government agencies are mentioned in the newspaper everyday. They are giving away money and services everyday. You could get free grants from these organizations. You could get loans from these financial institutions. All you have to do is exploit the systems, plans and loopholes that have been on the books for years in order to collect a grant or a loan or start a new business. I will show you which special businesses are earning certain people millions of dollars. You could become rich if you knew which businesses to start. Under just one program you can come out with $1,250,000 in just 45 days. With another program you can get a low interest loan for $50,000 right away. With one business you could earn a millions dollars in less than a month. With one industry you could earn ten million dollars in less than a year. You could become exceedingly rich using these little know insider secrets, loopholes and secret information.
Here is just a partial summary of these
priceless and fabulous $195 four volumes I will send you.
(Informational Purposes Only-)
(Please check with state and federal current guidelines)
Volume One
1. Where to get interest free loans from $25,000 to $100,000
2. Borrow $15,000 with no investigation
3. How to borrow $25,000 with No Credit Check or Collateral. I will
     tell you where to apply.
4. Borrow tremendous amounts of capital.
5. Earn $100,000 yearly as a financial broker.
6. How to buy a business with government money. Risk nothing.
7. Raise $65,000 in three days with credit cards.
8. How to get $30,000 in personal loans.
9. How to take over a going business with zero cash.
10. How to buy apartments, homes and land next to nothing.
11. Start an equipment brokerage firm for $50.
12. How to earn $100,000 yearly as a finder.
13. Start a missing heir business.
14. Earn $3,000 an hour as a financial broker.
15. How to get a Swiss bank account secretly.
16. Create yourself a fortune as a financial consultant.
17. Raise $50,000,000 in capital with stocks.
18. Have million dollar real estate with zero cash loopholes.
19. Speculate in gold futures. Net 384% profit.
20. Become an ordained minister "overnight".
21. How to start your own university for under $50.
22. Net 10% to 20% investing in gold stocks.
23. Appear to be a millionaire in 30 days.
24. How to make $5,000 monthly selling information.
25. Enjoy travel and entertainment FREE.
26. Start an industrial brokerage firm for under $50.
27. Buy property using seller's money.
28. Get wholesale merchandise on credit.
29. How to avoid taxes legally, income and property.
30. A one man business that could make you very rich.
31. Get debt relief in 90 minutes and get AAA-1 credit.
32. Plus many more.
Volume Two
33. How to obtain large sums of money from free money foundations.
       It's free and you don't have to pay it back.
34. How to obtain loans and grants.
35. Make $30,000 monthly with land lease lottery.
36. Build a $20,000 coin collection for pennies.
37. Directory of high profit discount merchandise.
38. How to start a million dollar research service.
39. Free patens from U.S. government organizations.
40. Making $500 weeking selling shell corporations.
41. Enter a lottery where you can't lose.
42. Make money clipping newspapers at home.
43. Earn cash royalties for a whole lifetime.
44. Sell information on unclaimed fortunes.
45. How to forma non-profit corporation.
46. How to protect your ideas without paying for a patent.
47. How to make large fees as a "finder" of executives.
48. Special loan sources including 7 offshore loan sources.
49. Special sources for rural family loans.
50. How to start a $1,000,000 telephone sales agency.
51. Earn 120% on your savings.
52. How to compile and sell name lists.
53. Start a telephone WATTS line service.
54. Start a silver reclaiming service.
55. How to make big money from the occult.
56. Plus many more.
Volume Three
57. How to turn $1,000 into $25,000 or $100 into $25,000.
58. Earn $400 in woodcarvings, Pantographic machines, computer
       lasers reproduce multiple copies from originals.
59. $1000,000 in 90 days with discount books.
60. Sell solar energy systems. Sell underground homes.
61. Gross $65,000 yearly selling chemicals by mail.
62. How to sell 150 mpg city commuting mopeds.
63. Buy a home for $75,000 and sell for $260,000. Make $185,000
       from each home you sell with time shares.
64. Earn $500 a day drilling for water.
65. Become a new car broker. A secret way to operate out of your
       hat with no investment.
66. Start a buyers discount club. Make a fortune with cable television
       advertising. Invest in Broadway shows.
67. How to start a security guard service. One firm grossed
       $500,000 in their first six months.
68. How to become a gun dealer. Invest in machine guns 149%
       yearly profit. A little known law increases profit.
69. Earn $7,500 a month as a collection agency collecting old debts.
       Strike a 50% deal, with $10,000-$20,000 very collectable
       debts. Virtually a complete course on the subject you can get
       started in as little as 60 days.
70. Make $23,000 per year part time recycling scrap aluminum.
       Make $50,000 yearly with newsletter digest.
71. Invest in special strategic metals.
72. Net $1,600 a week as a chimney sweep.
73. How to become a low inventory machine dealer.
74. Make $500,000 yearly from cordwood.
75. Sell $2,000 memberships to survival retreats.
76. Roll in profits with electric vehicles.
77. How to become a survival food dealer w/ newsletter.
78. Plus many more.
Volume Four
79. A business making $60,000 a day. My accountant worked for
       this company. I reveal inside secrets on how to duplicate this
       phenomenal return.
80. How to get $17,000 cash for doing practically nothing. It is an
       ingenious system that can be worked many times.
81. Make $4,500 in five days with computer pictures.
82. Make $1,925 daily from photographs.
83. Make $1,000 weekly as a printing broker.
84. How to become a patent broker.
85. Make $150,000 monthly as a manufacturer's rep.
86. $42,000 yearly with the indoor suntan business.
87. Sell "classic" cars you assemble.
88. Make and sell gold, silver and diamond jewelry.
89. The fastes growing money making hobby.
90. $25,000 part time from senior citizens service.
91. Make $15,000 monthly running a dating service.
92. Start a vacation home clearing house.
93. How to make $1,200 weekly making and selling ID cards.
94. $20,000 a month in debt consolidation.
95. Run for president. Boost your business with the free publicity
       or offer a filing service for others.
96. $5,000 monthly with mail co-op advertising business.
97. How to become a mailing list broker.
98. How to travel free and get paid for it as well.
99. Instant profits with a loan filing service.
100. Plus many more.
Also see the FREE $69.95 bonus.
(Informational Purposes Only. )
(Please check with state and federal current guidelines.)
    Now don't confuse me with all those other ads that tell you about their great banking and business and institutional secrets. You see, I have bought all of them. Once they sent me a pamphlet on starting an Amway business. Man was I upset. I spent twenty five dollars for some multi-level stuff taht was supposed to be a banking system and all I wanted was a few good insider systems and loopholes that could make me a bundle of money. Be assured that my business and banking institutional loopholes are some of the most closely guarded secrets in the country, and they have never been revealed to the general public until now, you have my word on it!
    Furthermore, since I first found out about these programs, by constantly picking the brains of some of the best financial wizards of this country, I have promised not to let this information get into the hands of too many people. Because when too many people start using these powerful secrets, the financial institutions and banks and businesses may change their rules to limit the amount of money you can receive, and that alone could wipe out the best loopholes, insider secrets and business opportunities in this country. If a few more people become richer than they ever dreamed, it will benefit everyone, including ordinary people like yourself who need money more than anyone. And believe me, if you have ever needed money badly enough like I have, then these programs will be heaven sent.
    Did you know that these financial institutions and businesses are looking to give you money for any reason under the sun. You'll be able to turn $25 investments into thousands of dollars in just 3 days. Under another program these financial institutions will give you $50,000 that you never have to pay back.
    Using these five banking systems, I will show you how you could become a millionaire in just months.
     Using one of these insider secrets you can easily pocket a cool $1,000,000 in less than 40 days. While another undisclosed loophole will enable you to pocket $65,000 in just 3 days.
    These loopholes made these people rich.
     One man in Texas used one of these government loopholes to buy himself a McDonalds. Now he makes thousands of dollars as a result of one of these hidden loopholes. Two men from Detroit bought themselves a Dunkin Donuts as a result of another one of these incredible loopholes. They received the money they needed immediately and now they are doing better than they ever expected. A Philadelphia man bought himself a 30-million dollar oil tanker using one of these undisclosed financial secrets.
 These large corporations can make you incredibly rich.
     Have you ever noticed how these large corporations and these special endowment foundations use their money? They send it to ordinary people how need money desperately to pay their bills, start a business and help themselves to a better lifestyle. That mean you're entitled to receive some of this money yourself. And I'm talking about $10,000 to $100,000 in Free Cash that you don't have to pay back. Just by sending these companies a request for a sum of money, you could be receiving thousands of dollars practically overnight. Some of these large corporations will set you up immediately so you can start receiving money the moment you get this information. While other corporations will give you the money to buy practically any business you would like.
These little know companies have money
waiting for you no matter what your condition.
     Now if you need money desperately in order to make your life a little bit easier and you wouldn't dream of paying outrageous interest rates to some of these banks, let alone having the bank turn you down for some reason, then you are like me. When I found out about these firms, I was overwhelmed by escitemtn, they became my life saver, for I will tell you how these firms will go out of their way to get you money.
 I will also tell you about all those other
 business systems you have been wondering about. 
     One man in California make over $2,000,000 a year with just one of these incredible plans that I will tell you about. Another man earned $500,000 in four months. I will tell you what secret insider businesses are making a lot of money. I will tell you which business you can get into for a small investment that could yield you millions of dollars. I will tell you which money making businesses are the hottest money makers in the United States. I will let you in on the most secret million dollar money generators in this country.
   I have paid $500 for one of these programs. I have paid $100 for many of these secret systems. I have asked some of the greatest financial wizards how they are earning money. These are just a few of the same systems that cost me over $5,000 to buy. You will not have to pay $5,000. I have put them all together for you in four fabulous volumes and you are getting all of these extremely valuable loopholes and systems for next to nothing. You'll never have to buy another system again, because I tell you about every single one of them- from $4,600 in 5 days to $30,000 monthly.
    Can you use $100,000 of grant money that you never have to pay back? What about starting a million dollar business in your garage? What about selling museum art that you get for a few dollars for thousands of dollars? What about getting a turnkey business for zero cash? What about making millions of dollars selling underground homes or solar systems? What about setting up your own public company and making millions of dollars on stock sales? What about buying real estate at market value and getting three times the market value with time shares? What bout turning your bad credit into AAA-1 credit? How about getting a million dollar low interest loan, for you to do whatever you wish? If your needs are $5,000 to $1,000,000 I can help you, regardless of your credit situation. Could you use this kind of money right now? Why not buy yourself a multi-million dollar business that pays you any amount you want every year; or how about a million dollar office building that brings you rent income every month? All this could be yours, for I am offering you a massive four volume set of unique million dollar insider information, loopholes, money sources and credit secrets-some of which very few people know about. Insider secrets, loopholes and methods of raising money which you probably never hear of are explained. All of this confidential insider information will be revealed to you with this four volume set.
    ORDER NOW: For only $64.95  I will rush you my special $195 four volumes that reveal special secret insider loopholes, business programs and systems of the millionaires, and the FREE $29.95 bonus home business directory and the FREE $69.95 manual of 50 of the greatest secrets, systems and plans if you order now. Please send me $64.95 and I will rush all of these valuable volumes and money making advanced books that could instantly help you earn thousands of dollars the day you receive my package. Upon receipt of payment, you will be re-directed to a download page where you will immediately receive your package.

If you would like to use an online Western Union transfer I will give some locations below that you can send it to using your credit card. I do not accept bank transfers, but you may pay using these Western Union transfer sites.

BIG Y #27
ROUTE 9 70 W MAIN ST   *****MAFT#1010*****
Tel: (508) 885-0003 

133 MAIN ST   *****MAFT#0901*****
Tel: (508) 885-3199

My information is below.


Order now & receive this FREE $69.95 Bonus
Every $1,000,000 Report, System & Plan Revealed
    Did you ever wonder what they send you when they offer to make you a millionaire overnight? You've seen their ads. They tell you how poor they were and then they describe the ingenious method that made them rich. Did you ever wonder what made them rich? Did you ever wonder what they did to make millions of dollars?
    How about hose ads that promise to make you a millionaire? What about hose ads that promise to get you free land from the United States government? What about those ads that promise to get you equipment and merchandise as government surplus for pennies on the dollar? What about getting free grants and loans from the government for your existing business? What about getting you completely out of debt and give you AAA-1 credit overnight? What about getting extensive lines of credit and VISA, Mastercard and American Express. Some of these people have systems that really work. Some of these people have stumbled upon an explosive secret that you can use to make yourself rich. I know because I have bought almost ever money making book on the market. I have spent thousands of dollars on get rich quick schemes. Many of these books are very good. Many of these books are amazingly good. Some of these books are utterly phenomenal.
    If there was a way to get rich overnight, I had to have it. If I saw an ad, I sent them whatever they asked. Most of them asked for $20 to $100. I am a sucker for the get rich type of ads because I really wanted to get rich. Over the years I have collected 50 systems. Some of these systems are utterly amazing. Some of these plans are extremely good. Some of these get rich quick systems are unbelievably great. I have included over 50 of the most successful systems and plans that I could find into one manual on how to make huge amounts of cash very quickly.
A $495 System
I have included for you one money making system that a dealer charges $495 for. Using this system he is making $200,000 a year by doing practically nothing. It is a really good system. You could pay him $495 or you could get that information from me for just pennies. This system alone is worth $495.
    Some companies were not completely accurate with their systems or plans or they left out some details. I fill in all of the details. I bought many of the same systems. Many of these plans and systems had an excellent method of making mega-bux. I have included only the best for you. You will get the best plans and systems.
    These unique plans and systems could work for anyone. You can make money at home if you had very little skills or education or brains. Anyone can use thse plans and systems to make money. Some of these systems were outright revolutionary. I know because I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars trying out some of these really good systems.
    Some companies tell you how you could make thousands of dollars with your phone. I tell you how you can use 13 phones to earn yourself $20,000 a week. What about $10,000 a week stuffing envelopes? All this money for stuffing envelopes. This plan really works. I happen to know five people that are making up to $10,000 a week simply by stuffing envelopes. I have three complete plans. You cold pay $100 each for every one of these plans or I could give you all three of these amazing plans free with my manual.
A collection of 50 unique, amazing money making reports.
Business Opportunities
1. How to make $20,000 a week with a phone system.
2. Make $10,000 a day finding unclaimed money for people.
3. Get rich in mail order. Many complete programs.
4. Making huge amounts of money with just a digital or film camera.
5. Make $5,000 as a commission circular mailer.
6. Earn $100,000 a year selling names.
7. Earn $30,000 a month from telephone services.
8. Earn thousands selling unique formulas by mail.
9. Earn $1,000 to $100,000 reading newspapers.
10. Make thousands of dollars publishing a contest bulletin.
11. $100 per day plan. (All of the sheets are included).
12. Foreign drop ship suppliers.
13. Make millions in the pay per call information industry.
14. Use a unique billing system to sell a direct mail product.
15. Make thousands of dollars in your own mail box book club.
16. Make thousands selling recipes by mail.
17. Purchase a new car for only $50 over dealer cost and save
       thousands of dollars by buying cars directly from Europe & Asia.
18. Make $50,000 a year becoming a money broker.
Free Services & Products
1. Get airline passage and travel aroudn the world FREE anytime.
2. How to get free medical and dental care. How to get free legal
     aid. Get $20,000 worth of free furniture.
Loans & Credit
1. Borrow $50,000 on your signature for any purpose.
2. Raise $200,000 in 24 hours without collateral.
3. Turn your bad credit rating into AAA-1 credit rating. Get all of the
     credit cards you need easily, even with bad credit. Get 52%
     interest a year on your savings.
4. How you can get a $15,000 loan without collateral.
5. Get an expensive million dollar mansion and $1,000,000 life
     insurance policy with no cash. Add $100,000 to your business
     balance sheet for $50.
6. Own a business with no cash investment.
7. Loans and grants for your business.
Government Surplus & Real Estate
1. Buy valuable homes and apartments for next to nothing at
     government auctions.
2. Buy an amazing amount of government surplus at two cents on
     the dollar.
3. Become a miner. Have the government pay for your mining
     expenses and strike it rich.
4. Get U.S. government land for only a few dollars an acre and how
     to get free government land. Get free Canadian land just for
     inquiring from the Canadian government.
5. Stop paying property taxes with this plan.
Plus many more amazing plans and systems and reports in all four categories. Including one $495 plan and some $295 plans and many $40 plans.
(Informational Purposes Only. Please check with state and federal guidelines)
$189,000 Every Month
    Would you like to make big money with my plans. Ihave compiled unique systems on how you can make money with a few sheets of typed paper. These are not investment plans, in fact I personally know of nine people using all of some of these plans. The amount they are making ranges from $21,000 to $189,000 every month. You could earn this type of money using these unique plans that show you how to make a lot of money with a few sheets of paper.
    Would you like to find out how you could use these systems to make large amounts of money? Could you imagine how much you could make with just one of these amazing systems? You would be crazy to pay companies $100 a system when you could get the exact same information from me. Almost every money making system on the market could be yours for just peanuts.
    Did you ever wonder how you could raise $25,000 overnight with just your signature? Two people in California and one person in Illinois have used this method to make this kind of money with just their signature. What about getting a $15,000 loan without collateral? Hundreds of thousands have done that. What about buying apartments and homes next to nothing with government assistance?
     What about making $30,000 a month offering special telephone services? What about getting special very profitable products that are only available in Asia? What about saving thousands of dollars buying luxury cars directly from Europe? What about getting free Canadian land? What about becoming a money broker? Thousands have done these things and have make millions of dollars. Many have gotten rich doing this. These plans and systems and many more secret programs are all in my amazing manual.
    This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Thousands of people are making money with these systems. You can have these same secret systems without paying the huge price tage that I paid. You owe it to yourself to learn the secrets of the millionaires. You can have 50 of the greatest secrets, systems and plan with my amazing manual.
    Here is what you do: For only $64.95  I will rush you my special $195 four volumes that reveal special secret insider loopholes, business programs and systems of the millionaires, and the FREE $29.95 bonus home business directory and the FREE $69.95 manual of 50 of the greatest secrets, systems and plans if you order now. Please send me $64.95 and I will rush all of these valuable volumes and money making advanced books that could instantly help you earn thousands of dollars the day you receive my package. Upon receipt of payment, you will be re-directed to a download page where you will immediately receive your package.

If you would like to use an online Western Union transfer I will give some locations below that you can send it to using your credit card. I do not accept bank transfers, but you may pay using these Western Union transfer sites.

BIG Y #27
ROUTE 9 70 W MAIN ST   *****MAFT#1010*****
Tel: (508) 885-0003 

133 MAIN ST   *****MAFT#0901*****
Tel: (508) 885-3199

My information is below.

This $29.95 Book is Your FREE Bonus
110 High Profit Businesses You Can Start For Under $1,000
    If you order my incredible four volume set of secret insider information and loopholes used by the very wealthy, I will give you a FREE $29.95 directory: "110 High Profit Businesses You Can Start For Under $1,000".  This extremely good book will be my free bonus to you, just for ordering the incredible four volume set of secret insider information and loopholes used by millionaires. This book is good and includes information on 110 high profit businesses you can start for under $1,000. You could start your new business and start making money the day you get this directory of high profit businesses. The bonus book includes a section on starting your own business to managing your records. It includes many inside tips from experts. This book also includes a section on getting grants, low interest loans and venture capital for your new business.
These books are sold for informational purposes only. Some of the methods in these books are illegal in certain parts of the Unites States. These publications are designed to provide accurate information at the time of publishing. The publisher is not involved in giving legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
© David Bendah 2005
    ORDER NOW: For only $64.95  I will rush you my special $195 four volumes that reveal special secret insider loopholes, business programs and systems of the millionaires, and the FREE $29.95 bonus home business directory and the FREE $69.95 manual of 50 of the greatest secrets, systems and plans if you order now. Please send me $64.95 and I will rush all of these valuable volumes and money making advanced books that could instantly help you earn thousands of dollars the day you receive my package. Upon receipt of payment, you will be re-directed to a download page where you will immediately receive your package.

Mail payments to:
Barbie Brooks
P.O. Box 736
Dept. 17026
North Oxford, MA 01537

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